Anne Reed
Director of Micro-Credentials and Digital BadgesUniversity of Buffalo
Anne Reed is Director of Micro-Credentials and Digital Badges at the University at Buffalo (UB). She developed a process to propose, review, develop, and implement new micro-credential programs at the university. Her background is in instructional design, and prior to her current position she has served as an instructional designer for the Center for Educational Innovation at UB, and as Program Manager for Open SUNY. She led a SUNY-wide team to develop the award-winning course, Quality by Design, which has trained over 600 faculty and staff in New York state in curriculum design strategies, and awards digital badges to recognize professional competencies. She is also co-founder of the Meaningful Gamification Academy (MeGa). Her research interests include gamification in higher education, and the use of digital badges as alternative credentials. Anne is currently pursuing a PhD in Curriculum, Instruction and the Science of Learning.